I was calling St. Germain and the violet flame
About Calling All Orbs By Dharma Cohen
I wrote this book for anyone who desires an experience of knowing orbs. It covers things like how to call them and what they are. The book has many beautiful pictures of orbs and direct experiences people have had with orbs.
I’ve been a light worker for decades, and came into this life knowing I was in touch with angels. I have since learned I am an angel and that is one reason orbs were attracted to me around 10 years ago.
My sister could get them to land right on her head and we got a picture of me calling them and one flying in.
The night my sister died, her energy flew into the pitch dark room and I could feel it. I knew something would show up on film. In the book I have a picture of her light energy flying in. It clearly shows what happens after our light leaves our physical body. It’s very exciting. When she was still alive she told me she would come back as an orb. I dedicated the book to her.
It also contains years of transformational poetry written in Hawaii and Mt.Shasta.
The orbs want us to know the mystery and wonder of life here on our earth and beyond. YOU CAN ORDER THIS BOOK FROM ME NOW BY EMAILING ME. $25